Thursday, January 19, 2012

My First Tag (:

Hey y'all, this is my first tag and I am very excited! I was tagged by Miss Southern Prep (who by the way y'all should follow! She is a fellow Chuck Bass lover!!) So here goes!

#1. You must post the rules. 
#2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post. 
#3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
#4. Tag eleven people and link them on your post.
#5. Let them know you've tagged them!
Eleven fun facts about me:
-I have three younger brothers who drive me crazy.
-I have two precious puppies, and I miss both of them when I'm at school (same as miss southern preps...i feel the same way) (:. 
-I dream of marrying a cute southern prep boy, and someone who shares my love for horses! (then again..who doesnt?!) 
-I get really good SAT scores even though i'm only 15...not sure why. 
-I live on Starbucks..but when i'm not there I love to try out new white teas at the local tea shop.
-I might spend some time this summer in the excited! 
-One of my favorite foods is probably fried okra or fried green tomatoes...and trust me y'all if you want good ones go to Memphis, Nashville, or Charleston.  
-My guilty pleasure shows are Gossip Girl and Revenge...marry me chuck bass?
-My Tervis Tumblers never leave my side..i'm an obsessive water drinker.
-If I go to Vanderbilt I will be the 4th generation going there (: but there are other colleges i'm thinking about...Ole Miss for one? 
- I started blogging because Hopsy (Kappaprep) was my summer camp counselor 7 years ago..and I rediscovered her last year!! She is honestly so sweet.
Questions from Emily: 
1. Exact (word for word) coffee order?
A Grande Nonfat Chai Tea Latte with extra foam.
2. What do you wish you would have been named?
I laI love my last name and wouldn't change it for anything. But I love the names Blakely, Sara Beth, and Collins. 
3. Favorite Fiction Book?
TetTie between the Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks or The Hunger Games!!
4. Best 90s Song?
"PAnything Britney or Backstreet Boys.
5. Favorite Type of Workout
  Tennis or Jogging with my Puppies.  Oh, and I love Zumba! 
6. What age was your awkward phase...and what made it awkward?
I Probably sixth or seventh grade....just because I had braces. 
7. Go To Bible Verse?
MProbably either Proverbs 31:30 or Romans 1:17. 
8. When Someone Asks Me: "Does this make me look fat?" (and it does) what do you say?  
       It depends on who it is. My best friends and I are completely honest with each other so if I was with them I would say that does not fit AT ALL. But if I don't know them well, I will usually just tell them..are you sure you don't want to try that on in a bigger size? This stuff usually runs small.
9. Least Favorite Candy?
REither snickers or Twix...not a fan.
10. Coke or Pepsi? 
COKE!!!! why even ASK that?!
11. What is the best way to end a day?
      Snuggling up in bed with the puppies and playing my favorite music.

I tag all of y'all!!
And I simply cannot think of better questions than let's pretend these are my questions. Comment if you did this tag,I would love to read!


  1. YAY, I'm so glad you played along! I kind of wish I had applied to Ole Miss--I have friends that go there and they have a BLAST! My tervis tumblers are always by my side, too!

    P.S. Thanks so much for the follow! I can't wait to read more of your blog!

  2. Thank you so much! (: I'm so excited to visit Ole Miss this summer!
